Greetings Dance and Culture Enthusiasts…
I am happy to inform you that I have been assigned to teach ethnographic filmmaking and video production to our fine students here in Lefke, North Cyprus. This spring we will be putting some new ideas together for our local television station. The class will be based on my mentor John Bishop’s wildly fun production classes at UCLA department of World Arts and Cultures. Long live the Lomax spirit and the DUDE John Bishop (who can be found at!
We at European University of Lefke department of Radio, Television, and Communication hope to feature some of the talented community members that lurk between the mountains and the sea. Of course I will always be most likely to focus my attention on performance, dance, and the neighborhood folklore. However I am looking forward to learning what my students will be interested in documenting for the sake of cultural preservation. Some of the Lefke residents are avid hunters and I have learned rabbit is a special delectable treat for summer Barbecues. Unfortunately I don’t eat lagomorphs–BUT I do love to film people in action and I AM handy with a shotgun. I have also been told that there will be some special Duguns (Parties) coming up in the spring and I intend to participate (and film) the festivities.
More news coming soon from the Mediterranean–about visual dance ethnography!
Aloha~ Dr. Jaynie