Jaynie Aydin Ethnographic Dance Research and Performance

San Francisco Premiere of Dances of Turkey Volume 1

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Hi Dance Ethnography Friends~
Here is the report on the release of Dances of Turkey Volume 1: Turkish and Roman Belly Dance….
The film is finished! Or at least the first draft anyways…I have screened it in Hawai’i, Arizona, Chicago, Los Angeles, and tonight—in SAN FRANCISCO! The feedback is positive! Now, we are writing the PDF study guide file that will accampany the DVD release. Thanks you for your patience and keep the inquiries coming! I will let you all know when the DVD will be available for purchase. I have agreements with Media Generation and Documentary Education Resources for distribution and will be selling it on www.turkishcloset.com when that gets up in mid-january! I am ALWAYS checking and responding to your feedback and questions in the mean time…
ALOHA- Jaynie

2 Responses to “San Francisco Premiere of Dances of Turkey Volume 1”

  1. Rzan says:

    Hi Jaynie
    Have the dances of Turkey DVDs been published yet


  2. admin says:

    The video is ALMOST done- I keep having to re-edit it due to certain permissions in Turkey. SOON!

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