Jaynie Aydin Ethnographic Dance Research and Performance

My Lawyer is Pregnant! A Delay in Production???

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Hi Friends of Turkish Dance Ethnography!
I am writing to you from my home in Izmir where I am currently frosting the finishing touches on our “Dances of Turkey Volume 1: Turkish and Roman Belly Dances.” Thankfully the boys at Paradox Productions here in Bornova are assisting me on all levels of sound editing, which I admit is not my strength. I have completed the narrative and now we will seal the deal in Los Angeles in October when I am back with Tony Miller, my rock of an editing assistant. Who new post production with no budget could be so tricky?

In other news I have learned about the coming birth of my next god-child, due in March of 2011. The progeny will be born to my Lawyer, Eda Ozturk, here in Turkey and I selfishly hope this does not cause any problems for my production schedule. Every dance ethnographer needs a lawyer and I am convinced I have the best one in Turkey. However I may be in the market for a wet nurse so I can have my lawyer back all to myself. And a note to my other god children: This means my gold will have to be evenly distributed between you so please, choose between Turkish, Tongan, or English as your language of future negotiations. Aunty is about to build a BIG ASS empire and you babies are going to be the ones who feel the trickle down effect.

Thanks for keeping up to date with my progress! E-mail me if you have any questions or comments!

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