Dr. Jaynie Aydin is a highly skilled field videographer and films dance events throughout the world. Jaynie’s teachers include visual anthropologist and philosopher John Bishop ( and Abdurrahim Karademir of the EGE university Folk Dance Department. Jaynie has mastered how to film, archive, edit, and analyze ethnographic field footage. She is consistently gathering new dance research materials and has multiple documentary projects in post-production. Jaynie is best known for her engaging camera techniques and attention to subtle performance details. Jaynie is often quoted as saying; “it takes a dancer to film a dancer.”
Countless hours of valuable comparative dance research materials are housed within Jaynie’s digital video archive. Jaynie has made her footage from celebrations, rituals and life cycle events available for use in the classroom and as lecture materials for other instructors of dance and culture. Her audio-visual resources are valuable tools for those investigating modern topics related to Dance in Society.
With over 800 hours of field experience Jaynie is comfortable filming in even the most unpredictable of situations. She has visually documented folklore and performance in Polynesia, Micronesia, Europe, Turkey, the Balkans, Mexico, and California. Although her steady point of view is obvious in the field, Jaynie also films concert performances and has recorded some of the best legends from the worlds of jazz, modern dance, and traditional theater.